Vietnam International Women’s Coffee Alliance Social Company

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“Keeping the IWCA in mind, it inspires us to boost and promote women in coffee, reminding us to take a pause and be mindful of our words and actions”.
Those are the words shared by Mr. Will Frith – Founder & Product Director of Building Coffee, one of the active members of IWCA Vietnam. He has been working in the coffee industry for over 20 years.

According to him, women in the coffee industry are facing more challenges than men at the workplace in terms of Equity, Objectification, Relegation and Leadership:

“Everyone deserves equal treatment” is the way he applies to create a better working environment, helping people to thrive at their own pace. As one of the active members of IWCA Vietnam, he always appreciates the values that IWCA Vietnam brings to the community. It is like a direction, a daily reminder to help us act with equanimity and without bias, and break the prejudices that are still binding women.

+84 912 519 235